

V Baiqonyr ISFF: Participants in the national competition

V Baiqonyr ISFF: Participants in the national competition

V Baiqonyr ISFF: Participants in the national competition

The Selection Committee of V BAIQONYR International Short Film Festival has determined the participants of the national competition.

In total, 90 applications were submitted to the national competition, of which 31 films will be shown at the film festival. 

Among the participants: Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, Kazakh National University of Arts, Nazarbayev University, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, “Kazakhfilm” film studio, as well as short films of private studios and students studying at foreign universities.

Film experts Yerzhan Zhumabekov, Yenlik Yegeubayeva and Raiymbek Alzhanov conducted the selection of short films.

Fiction films:

1. Анамның аты Бақыт (My mother's name is Bakhyt) – Serzhan Shygula

2. Самостоятельная жизнь (Independent life) – Baurzhan Nurkeev

5. Умай (Umay) – Inkar Abdrash

6. Дөңгелек (Wheel) – Nurbol Yerbolovich

7. Көк етік (Blue boots) – Ainura Turgambayeva

8. Түннен тігілген көйлек (The night dress) – Dias Talip

9. Карантин күнделігі (Quarantine weekdays) – Samgar Rakhim

10. Альгиз (Algiz) – Kristina Mikhailova

11. Талисман (Talisman) – Rustem Dastanuly

12. Нелицеприятный (Unpleasant) – Dina Zhanybekova

13. Подарок (Gift) – Radik Kudoyarov  

14. Обезьяна и кофе (Monkey and coffee) – Asylzhan Abdumutalliyev

15. Постовой (Pointsman) – Alibek Abu

16. Жарқырап таң атар (Bright morning) – Adlet Shakir

17. Долгий день моих воспоминаний (A long day of my memories) – Inkar Karim

Кадр из фильма «Обезьяна и кофе» – Асылжан Абдумуталлиев
Кадр из фильма «Обезьяна и кофе» – Асылжан Абдумуталлиев

Documentary films:

1. Карантин (Quarantine) – Alisher Zhadigerov

2. Сегіз (Eight) – Almas Maksut

3. Ұста (Master) – Arailym Zhetkergen

4. Закарантирован (Quarantined) – Asylzhan Abdumutalliyev

5. Өмір мен Өнер (Life and Art) – Rustem Dastanuly

6. Қыз бала (The girl) – Nargiza Isakova

Кадр из фильма «Карантин» – Әлішер Жәдігеров
Кадр из фильма «Карантин» – Әлішер Жәдігеров

Animated films:

1. Ластик (Eraser) – Alibi Mukushev

2. Pink Glasses – Altynai Kenesbek

3. Куда зовет сердце? (Where does the heart call?) – Mansur and Maksud Sarsembayev  

4. Deep Water – Aidarbek Abdulkadyr

5. The True Reward – Berdiniyaz Kabyshev

6. Абак и ритуал обхода (Abacus and the ritual of passing around) – Ivan Ardashov

7. Лесной перекресток (Forest crossroads) – Birzhan Dzhambulbekov

8. Награда (Award) – Mansur Aimbetov

Кадр из фильма «Куда зовет сердце?» – Мансур и Максуд Сарсембаев
Кадр из фильма «Куда зовет сердце?» – Мансур и Максуд Сарсембаев

We would like to remind you that earlier participants of the international competition of the film festival were presented. This year, the program will feature 16 short films from different countries.

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